After cajoling Jack and Lucas to run Bromley Park Run with me this morning we turned up at Norman Park on a balmy hot Saturday morning with a cast of thousands. After a few hellos to Brendan and Roger aka Messi we were off.
Yesterday I had convinced myself that jogging round after 2 weeks of sickness was ok but ditched that plan at the last minute and decided if I have any chance in running 240 next year I need to commit to more regular racing.
The first km beeped at 3.30 followed by 3.38 and then 3.31. Km 4 was tough at 3.40 as tried to keep Messi in sight before ramping up to 3.31 for the final km to hit 18 mins (17.56 per my watch).
Then waited for Jack age 10 (23.46 new PB) and Lucas 8 (28.01) to come through. Grandad (my dad, 71) will be gutted that Jack has taken his age group PB as they have been going head to head this year, nothing like a Grandad Grandson rivalry with a 61 year age difference!
Nice article on super woman Paula: What was the secret of Paula Radcliffe's exceptional London Marathon?

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