Today was probably the nicest day I can remember weather wise since we have been back here. No wind and crystal blue skies.
Met Messi at Blackfriars bridge for the run home, the best way to clense from a hard week at work. Was good to catch up after me having been all over the place.
The pace was pretty quick from the off heading towards Elephant & Castle and then through Camberwell, Dulwich and then over the hill through Sydenham and back through Beckenham.
Messi has already clocked up 70ks this week and has been knocking out regular 125k weeks in preparation for NY in 4 weeks. So him being tired and me unfit we cancelled each other out. It was bloody tough going for 17+ ks in 4.18s. That's also 60k for me now for the week with an average pace of just over 4minks.
Ideally I would run Park Run in the morning but family duties come first. It's a monster weekend with 4 football matches (incl Jack playing Reading in Reading), 2 trainings, Palace at Selhurst and then Sunday the boys are heading to watch Ireland's WC game vs Italy at the Olympic stadium with aunty Mia. I also have work calls plus Jacqui has a 'food robot' presentation. And this is only the stuff I can remember.
* Message to those starting a family, play it simple and stick with a maximum of 2. Any more and you are biting off more than you can chew!
Cannot wait for the morning as Ryder #5 has his first football training and then have decided to take him to Palace. His first ever game. His life is suddenly going to get a whole heap better.
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