Monday, 13 June 2016


Busy day but promised J that I would get home at a decent time.

So left the office in the rain. After 3 ks I looked down at my watch and suddenly I was running sub 4 min ks but for once it felt like 4.30s. So I continued on in that vein. Going over the first hill at Camberwell it was still controlled and then through Dulwich and the heavens opened up and I got a soaking. Then the brute of the hill at Forest Hill (Sydenham Hill) close by my parents. It is a bitch of a hill and is London's second highest point. I was breathing heavy at the top but still the average was only 4.07s despite the steady incline for the prior 3ks.

Over the hill and I got the average back to 4.05s before stopping at the lights in Beckenham and accidentally saving. Really annoying. At that point I had been running for 61 minutes (c.15ks) and then had to restart for the final 2k in just over 4s. That got me to 16.8ks in 1.08.35 (4.04s). One of my quickest home.

I reckon sleeping at 1,600ms and walking at 2,000ms + every day definitely helped.

Strava loads:

Fam at dinner:

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