Thursday, 2 March 2017


Was meant to be in India Kerala of all places for a board meeting but instead decided to stay put but this meant a 2.30am start for the 8am ko local time. Brutal day. There was a 60 minute break for a site visit so I decided on a Norman Park site visit of my own. Inspired by Messi's tempo of yesterday I tried to knock out a solid 10k tempo and harboured thoughts of holding high 3.30s but 1k in I hit the wall of wind on that back straight (usually the quicker part). Rather than pulling the pin I persevered  to get me a high 3.40 average. I've truly had enough of the wind. 16k done in 4.13s with warm up etc.

The all day session finished up around 1pm almost 12 hours later and then squeezed in coffee with J before more afternoon calls.

Ended up being a nice day as being home meant I could play midweek dad:

- hung with Harry Potter #4 and did his spelling homework with him
- helped #1 with his Art homework
- caught up with # 3 and geed him up after not getting enough playing time in his footie comp today
- get the goss with #2 and his mates on their way back from rugby training

Every so often the boys are civil with each other and we even sat calmly around the dinner table for once (no slaps, punches, farts, arm farts and the usual shannigans).

A good day in the end with a lot of diversity, which I crave:

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