Saturday, 9 September 2017

Park Run

8k warm up some with Daniel B who is running into form again. Left rib cage sore and taped to help.

Met Messi and Daniel S on start line and tried to follow Messi but he was too quick and so settled in with 2 new upstarts who I did not recognise. The first k was quick around 3.15 but having to run on the wet grass (some of it long) meant that my shoes were constantly slipping.

Hard work on the grass and then the back straight (usually the quicker) we were running straight into the wind. Ks slowed to low 3.20s, the slowest 3.27. 2 k to go and we drop one of the young guys before the now 2nd placed guy gapped me by 10 meters. Running a 3.20 last k I almost caught him to finish in 16.56 per Garmin and 16.59 official (3rd place).  Reckon running on the concrete would be at least 25 seconds quicker not to mention having to navigate past all the slower runners still on their first lap. Messi, despite the conditions ran 16.09. He will run 15.50 next week easy if they revert back to the tarmac winter course.

Jogged down with Rory, both Daniels and Messi for another 5k. 18k all up and rib cage now more sore than what it was.

Afternoon spent biking with Ryder, a champion and love him to bits.

Lukie played away (football) and Jack too, rugby for Langley.

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