Friday the 13th and Nepalese 2074 New Year celebrations. In theory an easy day descending back to Lukla but we were still on our feet for 18ish ks.
It’s been a huge 3 weeks. There was a lot of satisfaction and sense of achievement in walking back towards Lukla with spring now noticeably in full effect relative to 2 weeks prior.
Over the 15 days with my added runs we covered the best part of 200kms. It was the time on the feet that was more stark though averaging 7 hours of walking every day.
The toughest element for me was the mental side of it and dealing with no running water, the cold, altitude etc. It felt like a test of endurance at times. Not having a warm shower for 15 days was brutal. I am though very pleased I did it and finally put to rest a dream I’ve had since I was a boy.
Things I learned:
1. I’ll be back - just not to EBC
2. Packed 3 months into 3 weeks
3. This has been my first proper switch off time in 20 years
4. I missed my family a lot
5. Made some great friendships - Peter the 64 year old ultra runner is a legend and was a great companion
6. I must make the most of every opportunity I have - life is way too bloody short
7. I really enjoyed the wonderful Nepalese people
8. Pleased that I still have it in me still to muddle through. The weather was left field and was perennially cold for 15 days.
9. A lot of people come back from Nepal and summarise it as life changing. I don’t think I would go that far but it certainly has had a long lasting impact!
In the evening we had nice celebration dinner with the porters, Sheilesh and the 2 other Sherpas Dilkumar and Pemanuri. I was sad to say my goodbyes.
day 15 video:
Summary of the route:
Photos of the day:
day 15 video:
Summary of the route:
Photos of the day:
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