Thursday, 27 August 2015


After galavanting around the boys in the Atlantic (ocean) for the last 2 weeks I have finally caught the dreaded cold which has been passed around in our house like a game of tag rugby.  I am always the last!

Meanwhile the banter has already started with bets being waged for next weekend's Sydney Striders10km race in Manly. Timmy 'rort' Lindop wants a race off from scratch which ain't happening:

I have not raced a 10k race in over 2 years,  am under the weather this week with no running and have the added bonus prep of having to fly to NZ beforehand. It seems he will go to any length to get a free brekkie!

Mediocre Banter:

I have to find amusement wherever and whenever I can living in London and this snippet made me chuckle in this mornings Metro, not least the Arsene Wenger reference:


  1. That's why we always sing 'Swing Low Sweet Chariots' whenever @rse Moaner comes to town. :)
    Stokealona in Europe next year you see, will kick start the season with a comfortable win over the Baggies this week.

  2. Timmy looking forward to reading your West Brom wrap and how your Barcelona contingency played or rather stayed on the pitch :)
