Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Injury tightrope - Treadmill Half 1.19.10

Notwithstanding the ankle issue, I had the distinct feeling this morning that it is was now or never. So cleared my lunchtime calls and headed to the gym. My training pattern is so haphazard it's a joke but knew today I had to front up. 1k warm up and ramped up to 3.45s with the idea of holding for as long as possible. At 4ks I almost pulled the pin as my breathing was heavy and still unsure about the ankle. Bad moment again around 7ks and then I relaxed into it feeling good to 11k.

I then got the timely mental spur I needed knowing that last year I could only handle 10k at 3.45s and here I was feeling comfortable. Thoughts came and went: could I get to 25k? Decided that a Half was the absolute minimum and so just persevered. More bad patches at 16k and then as I got closer to 21 I was really feeling it. So tired at the end I was feeling sick leaving zero room for elation.

Cannot get too excited as the ankle is still sore and have to recognise that it's the teadmill and so not a true reflection. Nevertheless it bodes well for me as on a relative basis compared to last year I am well ahead. I have never been one to hold the mileage and often break down. In 2012 when running sub 35 for 10k and 77 on the hilly Sydney SMH half I got injured just before the Gold Coast marathon. Still not in that shape but still hoping that I am getting closer and avoid the dreaded last minute disappointment.

Today was simply about proving to myself that I am still on the right trajectory.

* 1000ks YTD for the year in 10 weeks and change.

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