Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Running with the Lux national champion

It's not every day you get to run with a national champion and today that's what I did.

Alain who is our main man in Lux told me some months back about one of his employees who was quite good and insisted that we run together the night before. And so I ditched the usual board dinner for company with the running gods. It was never in doubt.

To be fair after the 5am start I was knackered and had to leg it to the hotel in time for Alain to pick me and head east out of the city to the popular running area.

There we met Pol Mellina (fresh from his National title on Sunday) and Roland another colleague and headed out into the woods for a 12k loop. Delightful conversation talking all things sport ranging from my encounter with the Schlecks on Verbier and Ventoux, what they are up to these days?, the pride of south London CPFC (they had all watched Sunday's game), whether they had heard of our HuRTs #1 Tommy H? (No was the quick response but Pol did know of Ben St Lawrence), doubters or not?, Brexit, Pol's encounter with Mo in St Moritz and many more. Can you believe that Pol's sister also won the national title - she is really good apparently and still young.

Here is the loop:


Alain invited is all out for dinner afterwards. A thoroughly pleasant evening. Pol particularly is as modest as they come. A true runner.

Pics of the day including continental Europe, a white winter land.

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