Monday, 28 November 2016

Double (100k for week)

Busy ferrying boys to respective venues but had window just before Lukie's game so ran 9k quite hard in 4.12s getting quicker.  Short shower then drove Lukie to his game in Sydenham. Jogged whilst he was warming up and a bit of the second half.

Strange old game as Bromley really should have been 2-0 up but went tin 2-0 down but disintegrated like a certain Pardew team and lost 6-0. Oh dear and the bubble has burst. I reckon that is the first defeat in months for all of the boys' teams. Ryder tho won 6-1 and so did Jack's team by same margin, Jack though still out injured.

20k today and 100k for the week including 45ish ks at 4s or better.

Movie night:

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