Monday, 13 February 2017

My exercises

Today I jogged to the TS and then 10k at lunch in the biting wind. Felt really good and the hammy is feeling better.

Jogged the 3k from BS to home in the late evening for 15k for the day in 5s. Body holding up mostly due to the powers of Mark P who I saw for an hour this afternoon. A week on Sunday I have the Brighton half which is not particularly flat or fast but it will be a great test.

My exercises:

1. Tall Kneeling to Half Kneeling : with toes in dorsi-flexion (toes bent) and alternate with feet flat. Do this about a half dozen times.

2. Lateral Hip slide : From the half kneeling, toes flat position.  Using R hand, lightly touch down while simultaneously sliding hips to right and turning torso towards the left. Then repeat the other-side. Try to also do this without putting your hands down. About half dozen times.

3. Hip Circumduction All Fours : So get yourself on all fours, neutral spine. Lift R leg and move back into hip extension (keep bent at 90 degrees) then when you can go no further (without arching spine) rotate leg out to side and slowly move towards R elbow and return to start, now repeat the move going the other way.  Do this two to three times per side.

3. Side Sitting Position with forward lean and torso rotation:  So rotate legs to the R, so you have a sort of ’S’ pattern.  Then place hands on floor in front of R knee and lean as far forward as you can keeping your back straight. Then come back up and rotate torso to Left holding for about 8secs before returning and repeating.  Then shift legs over and do this to the Left.

4. 90:90 : In a seated position, get your R leg bent at 90 degrees and directly in front of your torso, then position the L leg at 90 degrees out to the side. Rotate torso so you are facing the L leg and hold for about 8 secs. Then rotate so you are facing R knee.  Now, press Left knee into the ground and lift Left foot off the floor, hold for 8 secs.  Then, release foot down and lift the knee and foot of L leg and try to move the leg backwards and forwards. ( you may want to put your hands down to assist this move starting out).  Do this pattern twice per side.

5. Deep Squat - feet hip width. hold onto to something if you need to, so that you can keep the heels down. Slowly move from side to side, pressing the knee over the foot so you work to increase dorsi-flexion at the foot.  Then alternate rotating knee’s in and down.  Spend a good 2mins doing this.

6. Couch Stretch For Hip Flexor : Position yourself in front of a couch/chair.  Place R foot on couch and post L foot in front.  Place hands on L knee and posture up.  Squeeze down your Lat muscles (back), engage core and contract R Glutes. Hold position for at least 30 secs, 2mins ideal.

7. Passive Hamstring Contraction : after doing number 6.  Face the chair/couch, position R knee on floor and L foot in front.  Pull up R foot in dorsi-flexion (toes pointed toward shin), engage core and hips and squeeze hamstring in short position as long as you can.

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