Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Pride of South London

Short jog to TS and 7k at lunch. 11k for the day. No complaints.

Picked up J at 6.30pm and headed straight to the night game at Selhurst which are always special. The fact that we were playing Arsenal gave it an extra edge.

To put it out there, I hate Arsenal. It really annoys me that half of South London support them and shun their local teams. I also have history with Arsenal:

1. They stole my childhood hero Ian Wright.

2. A few years later I went to the old Highbury with Stevie needing a point to stay up. Ian Wright basically scored to put us down. It was probably the worst day of my life after the day Wrighty left.

We absolutely smashed them Monday night. I reckon all the celebrating was pent up frustration for 30 years of grief as Selhurst was absolutely rocking living up to the neutral's tag of the best fans in the land.

Conversely the Arsenal fans were quick to abuse their own players (not fit to wear the shirt and all that jazz) but frankly that was the worse away support I have seen from any club. It's the same old crap songs. I went to the new Highbury recently and their home support is awful. You might as well watch on the telly.

I reckon that we'll be fine now and Sakho / Milivojevic (our Luca) have made all the difference. My pick was Big Ben (Benteke) who was outstanding and Cabaye's goal was a gem.

'We want you stay... we want you to stay...ohh Arsene Wenger we want you to stay!'

'Oh Luca ohhhhhooo, Oh Luca ohhhhhhooo...he comes from Serbia, he's gonna murder ya...ohh Luca ohhhhhooo'

Amazing that J was there with me. It always tastes better if it's your local team.

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