Monday, 15 May 2017

Jack #12 today

Our number #2 is growing up. Time is running at supersonic speed.

I love this boy dearly along with his brothers. Last night at dinner he announced that he was not expecting anything given the recent stuff he has gotten. I hope he stays like this.

In fact he absolutely hates any fuss and being in the spotlight to the extent that it verges on the unhealthy.

I really enjoyed the time I had away with him the week before last. He will tho always be a mummy's boy. He will often seek her out for a cuddle. Pretty sure that won't change any time soon.

I remember about 6 years ago when J was overseas back in Europe and I was home with the 3 elder boys and he saved my life when at the same time trying to cook dinner and manage a conference call. I almost set the kitchen on fire but Jack came to the rescue. There have been numerous other occasions when he has gotten me out of jail.

Of all the boys it is he despite his footie that most misses living in Manly. If he could have his way he would either be on a skate board, surf board or playing football, rugby or any other sport involving a round ball (he loves basketball too).

People often do not know this but he is v funny. At home with his guard down he reels off accent after accent and has us in stitches. I cannot keep up and invariably he ends up taking the piss out of me!

Ran at lunch for a short blast and then home in time for b day celebration incl. Dad as Mum's away with Mi in Tuscany. All up 13ish ks in a bit over 4s.

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