Monday, 21 August 2017

Beach day

Could not get out of bed for a run and then regretted it for the rest of the day. It's either run first thing or not at all.

Took all the boards to the beach with us and spent 3 hours there before back to the campsite where the boys did there usual dose of swimming, water slides, skateboards, trampolining, table tennis and late night footie with the logical French boys.

Going to bed though desaster struck with me closing the bedroom door on Jack's three middle fingers.  He was screaming so loudly we were sure there was a break. And it continued for a good 20 minutes. Gone 11pm we decided to leave the 3 other boys here and drive to A&E in Biarritz. We waited until gone midnight with my broken French being tested again for the 2nd time in 3 days. Thankfully the X-ray showed up fine and just heavy bruising. I felt really bad for him. I am now the cause of his 2 worst accidents. The other one was the summer bobsleigh in Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains when the sleigh capsized with Jack underneath and giving his arm severe burns. Needless to say I have been tip toeing around everyone ever since.

*7k jog in late afternoon with temps well into the 30s. Running in the arvo does not work here.

Tommy cards:

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