Jogged 2km to the train station and then the inevitable cancellation followed by a delay on the next one. I really need to start cycling to work.
Managed to get out at lunch today on a warm autumn day - the weather has been glorious over the last few days and looking unseasonally settled for the next while too. Started my usual lunch route with a slow k and then quickened ending up with 11.4ks at 4.10s in 47.xx mins. Surprised myself and actually got quite quick towards the end with a few 3.30s dodging the tourists. Without the innersoles though my knees are really sore, an injury waiting to happen and still no rucksack to be seen.
The train chaos continued on the way home with more cancellations and then one turned up which at the last minute changed to fast all the way to Bromley South - result!
The picture below is what Londeners have resorted to. Marvelous.
Some solid running there fella. Ignore the marketing shite, just observe.