After 13 years of constant use, today I said my farewells to the bain of my life, partner in crime, cause of countless arguments at home, the one and only crackberry.
I remember getting one of the ORIGINALs back in 2004. I swear I used to go through them like hot dinners:
- one went missing in the Pacific Ocean whilst jumping in the surf
- 2 never recovered from toilet mishaps
- countless cracked screens and one even just diassperawd into the millions of lego boxes we used to have in our old flat in Germany.
On more trivial matters I missed the run with Daniel in the park this morning having slept through the alarm and so ended up as follows:
AM - 2k jog to TS
Lunch - gym strength
PM - 2k home
The blackberry - lest we forget:
I'm still on my blackberry Sam. Only my second version too, but I didn't get my first until 2008.