Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Session at 75%

Made time to hit gym but was feeling groggy. The last few days finally catching up with me.

Reading the overnight Strava updates from Australia gave me the idea to basically steal their popular Tuesday session which was 20 min fartlek (2 mins on at 3.31s plus 1 min off at 4.00s) followed by 3k of flow at 4.00s followed by a 20 min tempo.

During the tempo my right calf was feeling tight and so pulled the 3.32s back almost immediately to 3.40s and then cut short by 4 minutes to play it safe. I then jogged 3 ks at 4.30s to get me to circa 16ks at just over 4s in an hour and change.

Tired today and worried about the right calf. Lots of stretching needed with the right hammy also a little tight.

It would not be normal if I did not have something to worry about! And besides I could then not call myself a runner, albeit an average one.

A little grizzly at work today too. One that I just need to put behind me and go again tomorrow. General grizzlyness stemming from not winning my race to get stuff done ahead of tomorrow night. 

* Joel Matip signed for Liverpool today from Schalke. Yet another from the Schalke Youth Academy and saw him around whilst there in October last year. It is no surprise to me that they produce so many good players with the facilities they have. Have seen quite a few of the London Premier League and Championship set ups and they are light years away from Schalke. Even Arsenal are a million years behind. I seriously don't get it.


  1. Can we please get an update on the demise of the Palace ? woeful

  2. I cannot bring myself to talk about P@lace. The Messiah though returns next week
