Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Session at 95%

Had a window at 130 and headed to gym feeling nervous about the calf and hungry at the same time. It did not bode well.

So post the usual mind negotiations I settled on 40 minutes at 4.17s but still feeling guilty as today is supposed to be the longer midweek run (usually the run home). It is f*ING freezing at the moment and the weather forecast was wet so knew that wasn't going to happen.

At 30 minutes (7ks) I was getting bored so ramped up to 3.40s and said just hold this for 30 minutes which I ended up doing. The thinking that it would make up for yesterday's failed tempo and add a few more ks to get me closer to the 17k run home.  The usual tempo wobbly sections ensued: 10mins in (mental), 25 mins in (breathing - the horrible 6k marker in a 10k).

Ended up being almost exactly 15k in 60 minutes, with the 30 tempo yielding 8k.

I was drenched at the end - about the only thing of note when running on a treadmill (not exactly back home on Manly beach).

And the good news is that the calf feels ok! but must get some acupuncture in the next few days.

The bad news is that I will be in the office tomorrow......

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