Monday, 5 September 2016

Les Alycons

Same today with boys surfing. Jack though is slightly freaked out after the Tommy incident. He has always been a worrier and has got me out of jail on numerous occasions, stopping the Manly house from burning down being one when J was away.

I think he was feeling guilty as he fronted up and said he wanted to push the run today. So that's what we did. In fact we nailed it in 54 odd minutes. A whopping 8 mins quicker than yesterday. I would guess he'd be close to a 20 min 5k soon. The route is very hilly and the heat adds spice. He then went and played football with the French crew for another hour or two.

Once back I opted for some speed around the campsite managing 1k on 1 off. Worked out to be 3.45s for the ons and 5s for the offs. Shattered by then end and ready to eat a feast.

I had promised J we'd go back to our little gem in Guethary for dinner on the waterfront. We ate like kings with fish as fresh as can be. We had no shortage of sardines, anchovies (both grilled), red peppers, a massive fish which J and I shared and then a fish chorizo dish followed by gateaux Basque and ice cream. The house rosé and red went down a treat too with an an idyllic sun set as a backdrop. The best night so far and whilst expensive I would have paid twice the amount and still been happy.

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