Wednesday 30 December 2015

Wedding anniversary

As with every other year J and I both forgot. Thankfully I remembered first around 3pm and so I carry the goodwill credits into the new year.

I have a tonne of admin and managed to get through a fair bit before heading to the gym downstairs at lunchtime. Instinctively I ramped up to 4 minute ks and left it at that for 40 minutes. Felt average but thank goodness the hammy was fine.

Then early evening I met J and Tommy on Regents Street, London is majestic this time of year. I literally cannot remember the last time it was just the three of us and was like being out with my mates. There was one funny episode when we all legged it to the bus stop just as the bus left only for us to peg it back again by the second stop on route back to Victoria. Tommy won the sprints on both occasions.

Tommy was 6 weeks old when we got married in 2003 and so seemed only right that it was just him again when we snuck in a couple of pints at the Shortlands Tavern on the way home.

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